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Educational Curricula with international standards

GEOprojects have been specializing in the preparation of educational curricula and tools for over 40 years, based on the latest international standards and theories of modern education.


A specialized and highly-skilled team

GEOprojects are a team of experts, highly-skilled educators and authors, translators, editors and designers with the competence and experience to provide various curricula to the highest standards.


Developing educational curricula

GEOprojects can develop educational curricula by updating the structure, content, pedagogy and objectives, teaching strategies and assessment methods, and organize training courses in the application of the new curricula.


Merging technology into education

GEOprojects have the expertise to prepare any required e-learning materials to go alongside the new educational curricula in development.

Small World - Arab World Edition (Social Studies)

صدر حديثًا سلسلة الدراسات الاجتماعية باللغة الإنكليزيةSmall World ;- Arab World Edition للمرحلة الابتدائية 1-6 مطابقة للمعايير العالمية NCSS و AERO. تتضمن السلسلة مواد التاريخ والجغرافيا والتربية المدنية، مع فروع الاقتصاد والصحة والمواطنة والبيئة. وتتكوّن من:
Student & Activities book
Teacher’s Manual

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